Rj. Angel et Nl. Ross, COMPRESSION MECHANISMS AND EQUATIONS OF STATE, Philosophical transactions-Royal Society of London. Physical sciences and engineering, 354(1711), 1996, pp. 1449-1459
The derivations of equations of state to describe the volume-pressure
variation of a solid are based upon certain assumptions about the prop
erties of the solid. For finite strain equations of state, these assum
ptions include homogeneity and isotropy of the strain distribution in
the sample. the continuous differentiability of the equation of state
parameters with respect to extensive variables, and the assumption tha
t terms involving higher-order powers of the finite strain do not cont
ribute significantly to the free energy of the material. We examine th
ese assumptions and demonstrate that, within the experimental uncertai
nties, crystalline solids with no or limited degrees of internal struc
tural freedom compress in the manner predicted by finite strain equati
ons of state, even though in some cases the assumptions involved in th
e derivation of the equation of state are demonstrably violated. In mo
re complex structures with a larger number of degrees of structural fr
eedom, a variety of behaviour is observed; most undergo continuous str
uctural change with increasing pressure and the evolution of the volum
e with pressure again follows that predicted by the finite strain equa
tions of state. However, a significant number of complex structures un
dergo changes in compression mechanism which, in some cases, result in
significant deviations from the behaviour predicted by the equations
of state.