Can the average drift of an ensemble of charged particles in Earth's p
lasma sheet still be described by adiabatic theory even if many partic
les in the ensemble execute non adiabatic motion? This is part of a br
oader spectrum of questions which asks if chaotic microscopic processe
s can be parameterized as macroscopic ones when ensemble averaged. Thr
ough a comparison of numerical test particle simulations with adiabati
c theory we show that the average particle drift speed of an appropria
tely chosen ensemble of nonrelativistic particles, including those exe
cuting chaotic and Speiser [1965, 1967] motion, is given correctly by
the simple adiabatic guiding-center drift formula. We further show tha
t the dispersion of particles about the mean drift speed tends to decr
ease due to the presence of chaotic particle scattering. These conclus
ions are demonstrated for tail-like magnetic fields B(x, z), including
a non zero y component. The presence of an electric field does not ch
ange the conclusions provided that E/B is small compared to the total
velocity of an individual particle. Thus we have shown that a standard
way of representing particle transport in the middle magnetosphere, n
amely, the formalism describing average drift in a flux tube filled wi
th an isotropic particle distribution, remains a useful theoretical de
scription for the central plasma sheet, despite the presence of non ad
iabatic particle motion.