This paper describes some findings from in-depth interviews with 10 ad
ults with disabilities, most of whom had strong working class connecti
ons. It places the findings in the context of feminist post-structural
ist theory. Whilst the research is not directly to do with gender rela
tionships, the theoretical framework highlights notions of difference,
cultural value and meaning which play a significant role in the power
relationships between dominant and subordinated groups. The interview
s invited participants to tell their life story with regard to educati
onal experiences. Analysis of these stories indicated that expectation
s, rather than ambitions, had influenced most people's educational act
ivities as adults. The combination of poor childhood experiences, clas
s and disability attitudes, had a powerful influence on personal goals
, which appeared to misrepresent real potential or real interest, once
stimulated. The extract here is part of a larger research project whi
ch is looking at differentials amongst three different learner group c
ultures. The research is concerned with the mismatch of expectations a
mong university continuing education providers and those of under-repr
esented groups.