The solubilities of the three beta-carbolines, harmane, harmine and no
rharmane, in water at pH 13 have been determined spectrophotometricall
y over the temperature range 288-318 K. Plots of logarithms of solubil
ity are linear functions of reciprocal temperature, and enthalpies of
solution have been determined from these. For comparison, the melting
of these compounds has been studied by DSC. All show a single sharp en
dothermic transition. However, the enthalpies of fusion are greater th
an the enthalpies of solution determined from solubility data, with th
e biggest difference ocurring for harmine. In part, this may be a resu
lt of the thermal decomposition of this compound contributing to the o
bserved transition enthalpy. It is also suggested that acid-base equil
ibria significantly affect the solubility.