A potential source of information about spatial layout, surface slant,
and self-motion is provided by transformations of the optic flow fiel
d. Theoretical analyses have demonstrated that such flow fields can be
decomposed into translation, rotation, expansion, and deformation com
ponents. The objective in this study was to investigate the effectiven
ess of these motions as visual primitives for preattentive scene segre
gation. The stimuli consisted of two-frame patterns containing 998 dot
s. A variable number of these dots (5 to 50) were defined as target do
ts, representing a specific motion structure, with the residual dots d
efined as a noise field. The observers' task was to identify the locat
ion and type of motion structure. On the basis of the number of target
dots needed to detect and correctly identify the target structure, it
was determined that translation was the most easily detected structur
e, followed by rotation, expansion, and compression. Deformation was f
ound to have a detection threshold as high as compression. The results
are related to other studies of these motion components.