Remarkable economic achievements have been made in China since the eco
nomic reform in 1978. High agricultural and industrial productivity as
well as rapid development of the tertiary industry and continouous im
provement of living standard have resulted in a jumping power demand T
he pressing need for updating the current infrastructure, power indust
ry in particular is the key to the sustainable economic growth and con
tinuous industrialisation. The crucial role of rural industry in econo
mic development and the fact of over 70% of the rural population have
brought a great opportunity for wind energy development One of the mos
t cost-effective ways to diffuse wind power technology is through tech
nology transfer based on joint venture activities due to the enormous
initial capital investment and complexity of wind power technology to
ease the severe domestic power shortage. Foreign aid and investment wi
ll no doubt have a stimulatory effect on wind energy development in Ch
ina The future benefits in terms of technology transfer and internatio
nal trade will easily outweigh the current problems and thus contribut
e to sustainable economic development in maw years to come.