The occurrence of shock waves in the terrestrial polar wind was predic
ted many years ago by a time-dependent three-dimensional model based o
n hydrodynamic equations. These shocks were seen to occur for counters
treaming ion populations and for cases when a convecting flux tube ent
ered a region of sharply increasing electron temperature, such as the
dayside cusp. Other studies conducted at about the same time showed th
at the shocks induced by counterstreaming ion populations may simply b
e artifacts of the adopted hydrodynamic model. The validity of shocks
induced by electron temperature enhancements has remained an open ques
tion. Using a macroscopic particle-in-cell (PIG) code, we have verifie
d the hydrodynamic prediction that sudden electron temperature enhance
ments can launch shock waves in a convecting flux tube of plasma. Our
simulation follows a flux tube as it convects antisunward across the d
ayside auroral oval, the polar cap, and the nightside auroral oval. Th
e electron temperature at 2000 km altitude is assumed to be relatively
low (3000 K) in the subauroral ionosphere and in the polar cap but mu
ch higher (7000 K) in the dayside and nightside auroral oval. As the f
lux tube enters the auroral oval, either on the dayside or the nightsi
de, forward and reverse shock pairs in the Hf component of the plasma
are created at the bottom of the flux tube and propagate upward until
they exit the simulation region at the top. The forward and reverse sh
ock fronts propagate at speeds greater than and less than the drift sp
eed of the Hf gas, respectively.