Ca. Hainfeld et al., DISCRIMINATION OF PHASE SPECTRA IN COMPLEX SOUNDS BY THE BULLFROG (RANA-CATESBEIANA), Journal of comparative physiology. A, Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology, 179(1), 1996, pp. 75-87
1. Male bullfrogs at two different natural calling sites were presente
d with playbacks of synthetic advertisement calls differing in phase s
pectra. Sounds were presented in a ABA design to analyze the ability o
f the animals to perceive changes in repeated series of stimuli. 2. Th
e number of individual croaks in an answering call significantly incre
ased over repeated presentations of two of the three stimulus phase ty
pes in condition A1. There were significantly fewer croaks to the thir
d stimulus. These data suggest that two stimuli were perceived in a si
milar manner. 3. Latency of calling to stimuli presented in conditions
A and B changed in response to shifts in phase spectrum at a low dens
ity calling site. These differences were significant when comparing la
tency to playbacks where shifts in the phase spectrum changed the temp
oral fine-structure and waveform periodicity of the stimulus. 4. The i
ncrease in number of croaks and decrease in response latency across co
ndition Al and the increase in latency in condition B suggest that dis
crimination may take the form of stimulus-specific sensitization. In t
his context, sensitization might reflect an increase in arousal due to
repeated presentation of a salient stimulus. 4. The operation of a hy
pothetical 'mating call detector,' based on linear summation of tempor
al responses from the eighth nerve, provides output similar to the beh
avioral results.