The production of fish by aquaculture has increased rapidly in recent
years, An important factor in this growth has been the application of
controlled reproduction biotechnologies, Recent progress in the develo
pment of induced ovulation and spermiation technologies has facilitate
d the reproduction of many commercial species. The use of a variety of
gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues with or without dopamine ant
agonists is replacing the use of pituitary preparations, Current resea
rch is focused on optimal administration techniques utilizing intramus
cular, intraperitoneal and oral routes. Sex control technologies have
also seen rapid development and application in salmonids and tilapias,
as a means of increasing both production efficiency and reproductive
containment, Gender control will be applied in the near future to othe
r farmed species including flatfish and seabass. The most effective te
chniques involve the production of monosex gametes by either endocrine
manipulation during early development or a combination of endocrine a
nd genetic technologies.