Determining meaningful flow laws for the polyphase aggregates that cha
racterize the crust is difficult, because the strength of such aggrega
tes depends on the strengths, volume proportions, and geometrical arra
ngement of their constituent phases, and all of those factors may chan
ge with progressive strain. In order to investigate some of these fact
ors, we have performed a series of axial compression experiments on a
fine-grained granite (aplite) over a range of shortening strains (20-8
5%) and temperatures (700-900 degrees C) at 1.5 X 10(-6) s(-1) and 140
0 MPa; we have also done comparison experiments on pure quartz and fel
dspar aggregates. The aplite is composed of similar to 1/3 quartz and
2/3 oligoclase and microcline, with minor biotite and magnetite; the q
uartz grains are dispersed in a continuous matrix of feldspar. Optical
- and TEM-scale microstructures indicate that the deformation mechanis
ms of the quartz and feldspar grains in the aplites are similar to tho
se of pure quartz and feldspar aggregates deformed at the same conditi
ons. The feldspars deform by semi-brittle flow at 700 and 800 degrees
C and by recrystallization-accommodated dislocation creep at 900 degre
es C, while quartz deforms by recrystallization-accommodated dislocati
on creep at 700 degrees C and by climb-accommodated dislocation creep
at 800 and 900 degrees C. Pure albite aggregates are stronger than qua
rtz aggregates over this range of conditions; however, in the aplite a
n apparent strength reversal is inferred from grain strain measurement
s and changes in phase distribution with increasing temperature. At 70
0 degrees C, the dispersed quartz grains in the aplite remain less def
ormed than the feldspar grains because the scarcity of quartz-quartz g
rain boundaries limits recovery by grain boundary migration recrystall
ization, causing the quartz strength to rise above that of feldspar. H
owever, the aplite is weaker than a pure feldspar aggregate because cr
acking is enhanced by stress concentrations at the quartz grains. At 8
00 degrees C, the two phases undergo approximately equal strain becaus
e easy dislocation climb in quartz allows individual grains to strain
homogeneously; the aplite strength is close to that of a pure feldspar
aggregate. At 900 degrees C, the initially continuous feldspar grains
deform inhomogeneously and undergo microboudinage, while the quartz g
rains deform homogeneously and gradually become more interconnected an
d undergo higher strain than the feldspars; the aplite strength is ini
tially closer to that of a feldspar aggregate but with increasing stra
in it becomes closer to that of a quartz aggregate. The aplite undergo
es strain softening over the whole range of conditions. At 700 and 800
degrees C, the weakening is due to grain boundary migration recrystal
lization of feldspar in the fine-grained crush products along grain-sc
ale faults; at 900 degrees C, the weakening is due to a combination of
grain boundary migration recrystallization of the feldspars plus incr
easing interconnection of the weaker quartz grains. These results demo
nstrate that the textural evolution of a polyphase aggregate with incr
easing strain is determined by both the phase distribution and the def
ormation mechanism of each phase and that very high strains may be req
uired to approach microstructural and mechanical steady state, Therefo
re, measuring or calculating a flow law appropriate for 'granite' at m
id-crustal conditions is not simple.