Mediterranean water inflow into the Black Sea has been investigated us
ing current measurements at the northern sill of the Strait of Istanbu
l (Bosphorus). Variability of the inflow and its relation to sea level
and atmospheric factors were studied. Current and salinity spectra sh
ow internal variability with periods of 3.5 days. This is correlated w
ith NS wind component and sea level variations. During southerly wind
episodes the lower layer flow increases and relatively well-mixed Medi
terranean water reaches the Black Sea. During northeasterlies the bott
om layer flow decreases and relatively undiluted Mediterranean water h
ows into the Black Sea. Dominant energy input is in the low frequency
(<0.6 cpd) ranee in salinity and current speed variations. Current spe
ed also displays variability in short period range. Short period of os
cillation (21.3) h is attributed to internal and Black Sea diurnal tid
al oscillations and sea breeze. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Lt