We introduce a generalised Householder transformation which, operating
on two vectors, concurrently eliminates all their elements except the
first and the last. For a system of size N x N, <A(x)under bar>=(b) u
nder bar, the kth generalised Householder transformation W-k concurren
tly eliminates all the elements a(k+1-->N-k;k) in col. k and all the e
lements a(k+1-->N-k;N-k+1) in col. N-k+1. The product transformation W
=W-n-1...W-1, n=[(N+1)/2], reduces A to Z-form. For solution of the re
duced system, starting from the middle two unknowns are determined sim
ultaneously at each step. The arithmetical operations count for the bi
directional WZ-factorisation method is O(2N(3)/3). If implemented on a
2-processor machine, the present parallel Householder method could ac
hieve an efficiency (of processor utilization) dose to 50% in comparis
on with the LU-factorisation method, with the additional advantage of
numerical stability without the need for pivoting.