As industrial economies head irreversibly towards globalization, acces
s to and applications of, new technological information from worldwide
sources become critical. The National Research Council of Canada (NRC
) has carried out an experiment to determine whether researchers from
a national scientific institution can make a contribution to accessing
technological information from foreign sources, analyzing that inform
ation, generating competitive intelligence and selectively disseminati
ng that intelligence to Canadian firms. A trial copy of an S&T intelli
gence bulletin was prepared by NRC in order to determine the essential
features of a competitive S&T intelligence service. The intelligence
in the bulletin was generated from information gathered from worldwide
sources by NRC researchers in the course of their normal activities.
The bulletin was sent to a small number of technology-intensive firms
and the usefulness of the bulletin was evaluated by follow-up intervie
ws. A description of the process of generation and dissemination of in
telligence and the formal evaluation of that experiment is presented.