A nonparametric statistical methodology based on kernel function estim
ation is developed for assessing the probability that a particular loc
ation in the aquifer has high or low conductivity using borehole infor
mation. The approach presented is an alternative to indicator Kriging,
Soils are classified through a binary indicator function defined as 0
for low and as 1 for a high conductivity soil. Estimates of the proba
bility of occurrence of a high or low conductivity soil are made on a
three-dimensional grid. Each such estimate is formed as a local weight
ed average of the indicator function values that lie within an averagi
ng interval or bandwidth of the point of estimate. A different vertica
l bandwidth is chosen at each borehole log. Horizontal bandwidths are
selected independently at each horizontal level. These bandwidths are
chosen by cross validation. Observations closer to the point of estima
te are weighted higher using a kernel or weight function. Unlike Krigi
ng, the underlying stochastic process is not assumed to be stationary.
An application using data from Lake Bonneville deposits in Davis Coun
ty, Utah is presented.