The ''pore tree'' model of pore structure was originally developed for
catalyst and sorbent grains to allow coupled reactions and diffusion
into and out of nonpermeable porous media in the absence of convection
through the media. The pore tree model is extended herein to describe
the permeable pore structure which characterizes the subsurface trans
port of gas and water in soil, the dispersion of contaminants, and in
situ remediation. The interconnectivity of the pore structure is obtai
ned via a statistical determination of the ''branches'' that are commo
n to several trees to allow convection and diffusion through the large
scale (permeable) structure in addition to diffusion and reactions in
the smaller scale (nonpermeable) structure. The extended pore tree mo
del has successfully explained measurement errors in the permeability
of soil due to the measurement scale size and has successfully predict
ed the bulk gaseous diffusivity in partially saturated soil as a funct
ion of a saturation scale size. The extended pore tree model provides
an analytic: description of the pore structure of soil upon which bulk
transport, small scale diffusion, and coupled chemical reactions may
be added to accurately describe contaminant transport and in situ reme