Soil physical degradation is a progressive problem in most semiarid Me
diterranean soils. The use of organic amendments is one of the most wi
dely used remedial practices. Asphaltic emulsions are used to take adv
antage of their binding properties and hydrophobic nature. Two soils,
similar with regard to their degree of physical degradation, were stud
ied Soil F was considered as a standard in terms of its physical chara
cteristics, and soil D displayed an incipient state of degradation. Bo
th soils were treated with an asphaltic emulsion as well as with a dis
tillation residue and a series of organic materials prepared in the la
boratory, consisting of composting asphaltic products with a mixture o
f cereal straw and cattle manure. Both the asphaltic emulsion and the
bituminous residue, as well as the composted mixtures resulting from t
hese products with straw and cattle manure, had a favorable effect on
the aggregate content of the soils, especially for soil D. In the degr
aded soil this was due to the adherent properties of the materials and
the formation of macroaggregates from microaggregates originally link
ed to each other by Fe and Al bridges. In soil F the effect was due to
physical adherence. Of the products tested, the asphaltic emulsion an
d its mixture with fermented straw proved to be the most successful ma
terials for Else in the regeneration of soils in an incipient conditio
n of physical degradation.