Mean maximum graptolite reflectance values from numerous sections in A
rctic Canada range from 0.6% in Cornwallis Island and northwestern Dev
on Island to 4.7% in Ellesmere Island. Me attribute this great lateral
reflectance variation to differing burial depths of the graptolite-be
aring strata beneath thick synorogenic siliciclastic covers. Me attrib
ute the low maturity of rocks in northern Cornwallis and eastern Bathu
rst islands to a maximum burial of about 2 km. Elsewhere, we used the
paleogeographic location and proximity to the Ellesmerian overthrust w
edge to interpret the measured reflectance values. In northern Ellesme
re Island, where the highest graptolite reflectance values (4.7%) occu
r, as much as 9.6 km of synorogenic siliciclastics accumulated on a te
ctonically loaded carbonate shelf. Initial synorogenic siliciclastics
encountered substantial submarine-to-basin relief, and thus about 2 km
of sediment were deposited prior to the initiation of deposition on t
he adjacent drowned shelf. Also, the deep-water sequence probably was
underlain by attenuated continental crust adjacent to the southeastwar
d-advancing Ellesmerian overthrust wedge. Together, these factors caus
ed deposition of as much as 7.6 km of sediment in western Melville Isl
and and, as much as 9.6 km in northeastern Ellesmere Island. On the dr
owned shelf, synorogenic stratal thicknesses were legs, a feature we a
ttribute to a thicker, more rigid crustal sequence and greater distanc
e from the Ellesmerian tectonic loading. We expect liquid hydrocarbons
to be generated from the organic matter in the shales in areas with a
graptolite R(o), maximum (GP(o) max) of less than 1.7%. The presence
of two types of solid bitumens having different reflectances, morpholo
gies, and optical textures suggests that hydrocarbons were generated a
nd migrated through the graptolite-bearing strata. Me expect only gase
ous hydrocarbons in areas where GR(o) max exceeds 2.0% R(o).