Ultrasonic wave speed measurements are required in many applications,
including material property determination, microstructural characteriz
ation, and flaw detection of materials. The accuracy and repeatability
of results are dependent on both the hardware used to propagate and r
eceive the ultrasonic waveforms and on the analysis for calculating wa
ve speed. In this study, a comparison is made between five analysis al
gorithms for calculating ultrasonic wave speed. The overlap, Hilbert t
ransform, phase slope, cross correlation, and cepstrum algorithms are
implemented using a commercial software package. Average wave speed an
d standard deviation are compared for ten materials. Each algorithm ha
s calculated wave speed within 1 percent of the mean for all five algo
rithms. The most consistent results have been provided by the overlap,
cross-correlation, and cepstrum algorithms, which have produced resul
ts within 0.2 percent of the mean for the three algorithms.