Hypoxia threatens brain function during he entire life-span starting f
rom early fetal age up to senescence. This review compares the short-t
erm, long-term and life-spanning effects of fetal chronic hypoxia and
neonatal anoxia on several behavioural paradigms including novelty-ind
uced spontaneous and learning behaviours. Furthermore, it reveals that
perinatal hypoxia is an additional threat to neurodegeneration and de
cline of cognitive and other behaviours during the aging process, Pren
atal hypoxia evokes a temporary delay of ingrowth of cholinergic and s
erotonergic fibres into the hippocampus and neocortex, and causes an e
nhanced neurodegeneration of 5-HT-ir axons during aging. Neonatal anox
ia suppresses hippocampal ChAT activity and up-regulates muscarinic re
ceptor sites for H-3-QNB and H-3-pirenzepine binding in the hippocampu
s in the early postnatal age. The altered development of axonal arbori
zation and pre- and postsynaptic cholinergic functions may be an impor
tant underlying mechanism to explain the behavioural deficits. As far
as the cellular mechanisms of perinatal hypoxia is concerned, our prim
ary aim was to study the putative importance of Ca2+ homeostasis of de
veloping neurons by means of pharmacological interventions and by meas
uring the development of immunoexpression of Ca2+-binding proteins. We
assessed that nimodipine, an L-type calcium channel blocker, prevente
d or attenuated the adverse behavioural and neurochemical effects of p
erinatal hypoxias, while it enhanced the early postnatal development o
f ir-Ca2+-binding proteins. The results are discussed in the context o
f different related research areas on brain development and hypoxia an
d ischaemia. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd