Under certain conditions, cofiring natural gas with coal has been show
n to reduce SOx, emissions beyond the reduction expected from simple r
eplacement of sulfur-bearing coal. This enhanced reduction of sulfur e
missions, known as sulfur leveraging, is believed to result from incre
ased sulfur capture in coal ash. In this research, experiments with th
ree coals, using size ranges from 90 to 106 mu m and 125 to 150 mu m,
and furnace temperatures of 1300 and 1550 K, demonstrate the extent of
sulfur leveraging through increased sulfur retention in ash when cofi
ring coal and natural gas. Leveraging is shown to be affected by resid
ence time (through particle size) and furnace temperature, while origi
nal sulfur form (pyritic or organic) and coal sorbent capacity are sho
wn to have little effect. Results from sorbent activation studies, SEM
images, and N-2 adsorption measurement of total surface area indicate
that the effects of a natural gas flame on ash sorbent reactivity and
ash surface area are minimal. Results also indicate that the primary
mechanism for sulfur leveraging is the gas phase conversion of SO2 to
more reactive SO3, as caused by the natural gas flame. Results from nu
merical modeling of the furnace environment, particle combustion, and
the evolution of sulfur to SO3 support the experimental findings.