The effects of radiative transfer on the structure and extinction limi
ts of counterflow H-2/O-2/N-2 diffusion flames are studied numerically
using detailed kinetics and transport properties. The radiative prope
rties of the main emitting species, H2O and OH in these flames, are re
presented using a statistical narrow-band model. The radiative transfe
r equation and flow governing equations are solved in a coupled manner
. The model is first validated by comparing numerical results with Ray
leigh temperature and total flame radiative emission measurements. It
is then applied to the numerical study of radiative effects on flame s
tructure and properties. These effects, i.e., a decrease in flame temp
erature, flame width and production of minor species, are found to be
the most important for high values of inlet H-2 mass fraction and for
low strain rates. Quantitative values of radiative low strain rate ext
inction limits are given. The limits of validity and the discrepancies
due to the optically thin medium approximation are also investigated.