K. Tinschert et al., ION IRRADIATION FACILITY FOR MATERIALS RESEARCH AT THE 1.4 MEV U HIGH-CHARGE STATE INJECTOR OF GSI/, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms, 113(1-4), 1996, pp. 59-62
A new 1.4 MeV/u injector for the UNILAC has been in operation for two
years in parallel to the Wideroe prestripper accelerator. It consists
of an ECR ion source, a 108 MHz RFQ, and a 108 MHz interdigital H stru
cture. This combination has led to a very compact linac providing beam
s of highly charged heavy ions up to U28+. High-duty cycle performance
together with a beam switching and pulsing system allows to simultane
ously provide the UNILAC and an experimental beam line for target irra
diations with beam. The technical concept of the experimental beam lin
e including different beam diagnostic tools, beam forming elements, an
x-y beam scanning system and a large volume beam-target interaction c
hamber is outlined. The experimental possibilities are discussed and f
irst experiments with polymer samples irradiated with different ion sp
ecies are presented.