Because moisture in porous building materials can give rise to several
kinds of damage, a detailed knowledge of the moisture transport is es
sential, For such studies it is important to measure dynamic moisture
profiles quantitatively. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) offers a pow
erful technique to measure such profiles in a nondestructive way. Beca
use of the large amount of paramagnetic ions present in many of these
materials (0.1-5% Fe) standard NMR imaging equipment cannot be used, A
NMR apparatus will be described that was especially developed to stud
y the moisture transport in porous building materials. At the moment,
one-dimensional moisture profiles in samples with a diameter of 20 mm
can be measured with an accuracy of 1% and a resolution of 1 mm. It ta
kes about 40 s to determine the moisture content at a specific positio
n. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Inc.