BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal myoelectric activity during postoperative
ileus has been well characterized, However, the common clinical scena
rio of ileus occurring during and after episodes of sepsis is not well
understood. The aim of our study was to determine the effects of a si
ngle, sublethal dose of endotoxin on canine gastrointestinal myoelectr
ic activity. METHODS: Eight dogs underwent placement of serosal electr
odes on the stomach and small intestine and insertion of a jejunal can
nula, After the animals recovered, electrical activity and jejunal muc
osal blood flow were determined during fasting and with feeding. Follo
wing completion of these baseline studies dogs were given a single, su
blethal dose of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (200 g/kg) intrave
nously, and the studies were repeated daily for 3 consecutive days. RE
SULTS: Endotoxin resulted in an absence of the interdigestive migratin
g myoelectric complex for 2 days, a decrease in duodenal and jejunal a
ction potentials during fasting and with feeding, but no decreases in
jejunal mucosal blood flow, The gastrointestinal myoelectrical pattern
s returned to those found in health on postendotoxin day 3. CONCLUSION
S: A single, sublethal dose of endotoxin results in a temporary disrup
tion of gastrointestinal myoelectric activity similar to that seen dur
ing postoperative ileus, The etiology of this ''adynamic'' ileus is un
known but does not appear to be secondary to intestinal ischemia.