Schizotypy, a schizophrenia spectrum disorder, is of interest because
schizotypes share traits with schizophrenics, albeit milder, without p
otential confounds such as chronic neuroleptic treatment and/or hospit
alization. Thus, schizotypy may be particularly useful in exploring bi
ological correlates of an underlying schizophrenic predisposition, The
P3 event-related potential, which is aberrant in schizophrenia, was m
easured in II male, right-handed, DSM-III-R-defined schizotypes and II
matched controls while subjects covertly counted 1.5 kHz target tones
(15%) in trains of I kHz standard tones, Like schizophrenics, schizot
ypes displayed an asymmetrical P3, with smaller amplitudes over the le
ft temporal lobe. Unlike schizophrenics, schizotypes were not signific
antly smaller in P3 amplitude over the sagittal midline of the head al
though there was a trend towards reduced amplitudes at central and pos
terior midline sires, Asymmetry of P3 amplitude, with left-sided defic
it, may be associated with the schizophrenia diathesis, but overall P3
reductions may be more associated with chronic effects.