We report results of transplant experiments that examined direct inter
actions between red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) roots and two common
root-fouling sponges (Tedania ignis and Haliclona implexiformis) on ca
rbonate-based, oligotrophic mangrove cays in Belize, Central America.
On these cays, subtidal prop roots of mangroves at water's edge often
extend 1-2 m below lowest low water before anchoring in the substrate
and host a community of algal and invertebrate epibionts dominated by
massive sponges. Live sponges transplanted onto otherwise bare roots i
ncreased root growth rate two- to fourfold relative to controls. Roots
fouled naturally by these and other massive sponges produce adventiti
ous fine rootlets that ramify throughout sponge tissue; these rootlets
structurally resemble underground rootlets that function in nutrient
uptake. Sponges transplanted onto bare mangrove roots induced rootlet
proliferation within 4 wk. Only live sponges elicited this response, i
ndicating that adventitious rootlet production is not simply a by-prod
uct of anoxia or darkness. Sponges transplanted onto bare roots grew 1
.4-10 times faster than did sponges grown on polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
tubes at identical depths and locations. Relative abundances of N-15 (
expressed as delta(15)N parts per thousand) and C-13 (delta(13)C parts
per thousand) in Tedania, Haliclona, an additional sponge, Ulosa ruet
zleri, and rootlets, roots, stems, twigs, and leaves of mangrove hosts
suggest that mangrove roots obtain dissolved inorganic nitrogen from
sponges, and that sponges obtain carbon from mangrove roots. No transf
er of N or C was observed in similar analyses of roots fouled by the r
ed alga Acanthophora spicifera. We conclude that where they co-occur,
massive sponges and mangroves are facultative mutualists. In mangrove
forests, as in other marginal habitats, facilitations may enable incre
ased growth and production of component species.