The present study was conducted to evaluate rheological properties of
the vaginal fluid in dairy cows. Thixotropy and flow behavior were eva
luated. Vaginal fluid samples were collected in 8 cows at the beginnin
g of a natural estrus and then every 8 h for 24 h. Vaginal samples wer
e also collected from 208 cows at the time of insemination within 12 t
o 24 h interval after the onset of a natural estrus. Time-dependent va
riations were registered during the estrus. The limit shear stress for
flow production (T-0), the shear stress of equilibrium (T-e) and the
consistency index (K) decreased at 8 and 16 h and markedly increased 2
4 h after the beginning of estrus. At the time of insemination, struct
ural variation was registered and the fluids were considered to be thi
xotropic in samples of 181 cows (87%); in the remaining samples (27 co
ws), structural variation was not registered and the fluids were consi
dered to be nonthixotropic. For flow behavior values, 178 samples (85.
6%) presented non-Newtonian behavior, while 30 behaved as Newtonian fl
uids. The mean values of the T-0 and the T-e were 6.1+/-0.69 and 1.9+/
-0.69 pascals, respectively. Consistency index (K) mean was 364.9+/-41
.4 milipascals per second(n). Our data show an increase of fluidity at
the middle of the estrus period in the cow and a wide variation of rh
eological measurements of vaginal fluid at the time of insemination.