A new locomotory disturbance of cattle is described. The condition has
occurred sporadically since the mid-1980s. Affected herds had all gra
zed flood plain pastures in a restricted area of north-western New Sou
th Wales. Calves were either born with clinical signs or developed the
m by 4 months of age. The disease was characterised by a slowly progre
ssive, irreversible, asymmetrical, paresis of the hind limbs. Affected
cattle experienced persistent hyperextension of the hip and stifle jo
ints. Macroscopic and microscopic examination of the nervous and muscu
loskeletal systems failed to demonstrate abnormalities that would acco
unt for the clinical signs. The disorder shares many similarities with
bovine spastic paresis. It is suggested that the pathogenesis of the
disorder is nervous, and probably involves nigro-striatal, medulla obl
ongata, and spinal dysfunctional inputs. An in-utero plant poisoning w
as suspected but no specific plant association was determined.