In normal adult mammals, blood cell production, hemopoiesis, takes pla
ce within the medullary cavity. There, hemopoietic cell proliferation
and differentiation are regulated by a network of stromal/accessory ce
lls and their products tie cytokines and extracellular matrix molecule
s), known as the hemopoietic microenvironment. Recent in vitro studies
indicate that both cell composition and functional abnormalities of t
he hemopoietic microenvironment are present in a proportion of patient
s with myeloid leukemia, both chronic (CML) and acute (AML). Cell comp
osition abnormalities have been primarily observed in a subset of pati
ents with AML; these abnormalities include reduced numbers of fibrobla
st progenitors and, in some cases, reduced numbers of macrophages and
adipocytes. In terms of function, it has been shown that the marrow st
romal cells from a significant number of both CML and AML patients, po
ssess a deficient hemopoietic supportive capacity in vitro. This seems
to be related to the presence of functionally abnormal, malignant mac
rophages. The mechanisms by which these macrophages alter the hemopoie
tic function of the marrow stroma, as a whole, are still not fully und
erstood. Whereas in AML, a macrophage-derived soluble inhibitory activ
ity (containing tumor necrosis factor alpha) has been described; in CM
L, a direct, macrophage-mediated cell-to-cell contact mechanism for he
mopoietic inhibition seems to be involved. To date, however, it is not
clear whether the abnormalities in the hemopoietic microenvironment a
re secondary to myeloid leukemia or if they precede clinical CML/AML.
Furthermore, it is not known to what extent the functional abnormaliti
es observed in vitro contribute to the hematologic dysfunction that ch
aracterizes myeloid leukemia and to the in vivo progression of the dis