VESICULAR transport to and from the lysosome and late endosome is defe
ctive in patients with Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) and in mutant be
ige (bg) mice(1-4). CHS and bg cells have giant, perinuclear vesicles
with characteriscs of late endosomes and lysosomes that arise from dys
regulated homotypic fusion(3-5). CHS and bg lysosomes also exhibit com
partmental missorting of proteins, such as elastase, glucuronidase and
cathepsin G(2,3,6,7) Lyst, a candidate gene for bg, was identified by
direct complementary DNA selection from a yeast artificial chromosome
(YAC) clone containing a 650-kilobase segment of the bg-critical regi
on on mouse chromosome 13. Lyst is disrupted by a 5-kilobase deletion
in bg(11J) mice, and Lyst messenger RNA is markedly reduced in bg(2J)
homozygotes. The homologous human gene, LYST, is highly conserved with
mouse Lyst, and contains a frame-shift mutation at nucleotides 117-11
8 of the coding domain in a CHS patient. Thus bg mice and human CHS pa
tients have homologous disorders associated with Lyst mutations. Lyst
encodes a protein with a carboxy-terminal prenylation motif and multip
le potential phosphorylation sites. Lyst protein is predicted to form
extended helical domains, and has a region of sequence similar to stat
hmin, a coiled coil phosphoprotein thought to act as a relay integrati
ng cellular signal response coupling(8-10).