We report a 73-year-old woman with rapidly developing symptoms and sig
ns of Gushing's syndrome and high urinary free cortisol. She was viril
ized and hirsute with testosterone levels which became exceptionally h
igh. ACTH was suppressed and CT scan of the adrenals and pelvis showed
no abnormality. Ultrasound scanning showed enlargement of the left ov
ary. Venous catheter studies suggested a left ovarian source. A 2-cm d
iameter lipid cell tumour was removed from the left ovary laparoscopic
ally. Histology was initially benign, and clinical and biochemical cur
e of Gushing's syndrome was rapid. However, the neoplastic nature of t
he ovarian tumour was demonstrated 12 months later when peritoneal met
astases were detected and there was then clinical and biochemical rela