Of 28 isolates of Vibrio cholerae non-O1 (10 from diarrhoeal patients
and 18 from environmental sources) examined for haemolytic activity an
d its correlation, if any, with enterotoxic activity, 24 showed haemol
ysis. The four non-haemolytic isolates showed haemolysis after consecu
tive passages through rabbit ileal loops (RILs), The titres of haemoly
tic activity were 4-64 HU/ml irrespective of their source. Eight (28.5
%) of the non-Ol isolates caused fluid accumulation; six (25%) were ha
emolytic and two (50%) non-haemolytic. The remaining isolates showed e
nterotoxic activity after one-to-three consecutive passages through RI
Ls irrespective of their haemolytic character and source. Environmenta
l isolates caused significantly more fluid accumulation than the diarr
hoeal isolates. All these isolates reverted to their original non-toxi
genic character on repeated subculture or on storage in the laboratory
, but continued to show haemolytic activity. The results of the presen
t study indicate that V. cholerae non-O1 strains are potentially enter
otoxigenic independent of their haemolytic character and source, and e
nterotoxin, not haemolysin, is the factor most likely to be responsibl
e for their enterotoxic activity.