To assess the role of termite populations in the change of global atmo
spheric methane concentrations, we reevaluate the hypothesis that defo
restation leads to higher populations of wood-feeding termites and to
a significant increase of termite-emitted methane in areas of cleared
and burned former primary rain forest. Calculations are based on a mod
el that uses literature information on termite population size in prim
ary forest and pasture 1 to 10 years after forest conversion, wood con
sumption and methane emission rates of termites. We use two scenarios
based on low- and high-end parameters based on data from rain forests
in Brazilian Amazonia. In the low-end scenario, termite population bio
mass is 25 kg . ha(-1) in primary forest; 4 kg . ha(-1) in year 1 afte
r forest clearing, 51 kg . ha(-1) in a six-year-old pasture, and 4 kg
. ha(-1) in a ten-year-old pasture. In the high-end scenario, all valu
es are doubled and the initial breakdown in year 1 is omitted. Wood co
nsumption rates are 49 and 270 mg wood . g termite . day(-1), and meth
ane emission rates are 0.0023 and 0.0079 t of carbon released as metha
ne per ton of carbon consumed, in the low- and the high-end scenario,
respectively. In the low-end scenario no significant difference exists
between the average termite population size in primary forest and pas
ture modeled over a ten-year period. In the high-end scenario the aver
age population size of years 1-10 after clearing is only 31% over that
of primary forest. The population model data combined with the wood c
onsumption rates allow for only 2.3-32.3% of the wood biomass left fro
m forest bun to be consumed by termites within 10 years. The changes i
n methane emissions from termite population change after deforestation
were calculated using two approaches: ''Cumulative net emissions'' fo
r the region, which measure the 10-year impact of a year's forest clea
ring (e.g. 1.38 . 10(6) ha in 1990), increase by 0.0001 to 0.11 Tg CH4
in the 10 year-period in both scenarios, a negligible contribution to
the increase of atmospheric methane concentrations of 45 Tg . yr(-1).
The ''annual balance of net methane emissions'' from termites in all
the different landscapes existing in the whole region in a single year
(1990) increases by only 0.004 to 0.33 Tg CH4 (low- and high-end scen
ario) because of the large proportion of old clearings >10 years old)
with low methane emission rates: Termite populations do not tend to in
crease as a function of the available wood mass only and therefore met
hane emissions from termites in cleared areas of former rain forest do
not make a significant contribution to the increase of the global met
hane concentrations in the atmosphere. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Sci
ence Ltd