The ability of antibiotics to penetrate into the respiratory tract has
been investigated at several sites, namely, sputum and bronchial secr
etions, tissue homogenates, pleural fluid and, more recently, epitheli
al lining fluid and alveolar macrophages. The major reason for such in
vestigations is that these data may be helpful to a more thorough unde
rstanding of drug distribution in the lung tissue and fluids and to a
more accurate prediction of clinical outcome. However, the study of dr
ug concentration at each of these sites presents problems in terms of
methodology and data interpretation. The advantages and disadvantages
of each of these methods are considered, and the data on penetration o
f betalactams, aminoglycosides, macrolides, fluoroquinolones and other
antimicrobial agents (including antifungal and antiprotozoan drugs) a
re reviewed.