Many studies have identified the first flush phenomenon as being the r
elatively high concentration of pollutants in the initial phases of co
mbined sewer flow following a storm. One way of controlling the first
flush is by the provision of a storage tank such that the effluent can
be discharged in a controlled manner. To optimise the storage volume,
both the total pollutant load discharged and the temporal variation i
n pollutant concentration within an event need to be predicted. Sophis
ticated models to predict the pollutant concentrations in urban sewer
flows, for example QSIM and MOUSETRAP are already available. However,
the data requirements for these models are extensive, which usually li
mit their application to major or environmentally sensitive schemes. T
his paper describes attempts to relate the peak concentration of suspe
nded solids in combined sewer flows to observed storm characteristics.
In this study, it was hypothesised that the peak concentrations of su
spended solids could be related to the hydrological parameters of maxi
mum rainfall intensity, storm duration, and antecedent dry weather per
iod prior to the storm which are commonly used as the basic parameters
for urban sewer design. Data from two sites at Great Harwood and Clay
ton-le-Moors in the North-west of England has been used in the study a
nd an attempt has been made to define an upper limit of the first flus
h concentration of suspended solids corresponding to storms which have
been categorised into bands defined by their peak rainfall intensity.
Copyright (C) 1996 IAWQ. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.