The authors analyzed incidence of hemorrhagic infarction (HI) in 274 p
atients with ischemic stroke in whom CT scan was performed twice, at t
he beginning and three or more days after stroke, or was performed onl
y once, ten or 14 days after stroke onset and was still bland. HI was
found altogether in 55 (19.0%) patients. HI was statistically signific
ant (x(2)=5,2), more often in patients with cerebral embolism (29,1%)
than in patients with cerebral thrombosis (10.5%). HI occurred signifi
cantly more often in patients with assumed embolic mechanism of stroke
(0,01-0,05) than in patients with thrombotic stroke. Arterial hyperte
nsion and cardial status were analyzed and evaluated in relation with
appearance of HI, as well as in connection with anticoagulant therapy,
but statistically significant influence of these factors upon develop
ment of HI was found only for cardiac diseases. Size of infarcts was g
reater in patients with HI (71.2%), while in patients with BI small in
farcts were more often (59.8%). Patients with HI were older than patie
nts with BI, but that difference was not statistically significant. Te
mporal dispersion of HI occurence showed low incidence of HI in first
two days, or after ten days of stroke onset. In majority of patients H
I occurred between third and fifth days (74.4%) after stroke onset. An
alyzing the outcome of patients, significant difference between patien
ts with hemorrhagic or bland infarction was not found.