It has become increasingly clear during the last few decades that meet
ing the food needs of the world's growing population depends, to a lar
ge extent, on the conservation and utilization of the world's remainin
g plant genetic resources. it is in this context that the Internationa
l Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources takes place in Leipz
ig, Germany in June 1996. Organized by the UN Food and Agriculture Org
anization, in close cooperation with IPGRI and other partners, the Con
ference will bring together experts and officials from more than 150 c
ountries to review and finalize the first comprehensive report on the
State of the World's Plant Genetic Resources for Food cmd Agriculture
(FAG, 1996) and consider for formal adoption a Global Plan of Action f
or the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resou
rces for Food and Agriculture. The Conference aims to mobilize global
action to safeguard plant genetic resources for future generations and
to ensure their sustainable and equitable use.