In many health care marketplaces, outcomes assessment is central to mo
nitoring quality while controlling costs. Comparing outcomes across pr
oviders generally requires adjustment for patient severity. For mortal
ity rates and other adverse outcomes comparisons, severity adjustment
ideally aims to control for patient characteristics prior to the healt
h care intervention. A variety of severity methodologies, specifically
for hospitalized patients, are commercially available, Some have been
adopted by state or regional initiatives for publicly comparing hospi
tal outcomes, We applied 14 common severity measures to the same data
set to determine whether judgments about risk-adjusted hospital death
rates are sensitive to the specific severity method. We examined 7,765
patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery at 38
hospitals, Unadjusted death rates ranged from 0% to 11.2% across hosp
itals, Comparisons of relative hospital performance were relatively in
sensitive to the severity adjustment method.