We investigated whether: (1) EEG recordings could be successfully perf
ormed in an MRI imager, (2) subclinical epileptic discharges could be
used to trigger ultrafast functional MRI images, (3) artifact-free fun
ctional MRI images could be obtained while the patient was having the
EEG monitored, and (4) the functional MRI images so obtained would sho
w focal signal increases in relation to epileptic discharges. We repor
t our results in two patients who showed focally higher signal intensi
ty, reflective of increased local blood flow, in ultrafast functional
MRI timed to epileptic discharges recorded while the patients were in
the imager and compared with images not associated with discharges. On
e patient showed a focal increase despite a clinical and EEG history o
f generalized discharges. This approach may have the potential to iden
tify brain regions activated during brief focal epileptic discharges.