Extraordinary uptake of nickel (Ni), reaching concentrations of 0.1-5.
0%, c. 1000 times greater than those usually found in flowering plants
, has been observed previously in c. 190 species that grow on Ni-rich
serpentine soils derived from ultramafic rocks in various parts of the
world. These so-called hyperaccumulators of Ni include c. 50 species
from the rich ultramafic flora of New Caledonia and c. 80 species from
the Brassicaceae of Mediterranean Europe and Turkey. A study of a lim
ited part (the families Buxaceae and Euphorbiaceae) of the very large
ultramafic flora of Cuba has now identified this as the home of at lea
st 80 hyperaccumulators, the largest number yet found in any one count
ry. The more frequent incidence here of this unusual form of plant beh
aviour is linked to the very long period (c. 10-30 million years) duri
ng which some of the Cuban ultramafic substrata are believed to have b
een continuously available for colonization; the distribution of Ni hy
peraccumulators between older and younger ultramafic soils in Cuba mir
rors the overall incidence of endemic species in these areas.