Background. Although much has been written about low back pain during
pregnancy, there are few studies regarding leg, foot, and hip pain. Th
e purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and characte
rize the nature of lower extremity pain in women of child-bearing age
and to assess the impact of recent pregnancy on these symptoms. Method
s. In this case-control study, 107 consecutive postpartum women (case
subjects) and 91 nulliparous women (controls) completed a questionnair
e regarding hip, knee, and foot pain and potentially influencing facto
rs. Results. Postpartum subjects had more symptoms of leg and foot pai
n than did the controls (56% vs 37%; odds ratio [OR] = 2.3; 95% confid
ence interval [CI], 1.2 to 4.7). A significant majority of pain (82%,
P < .05) began during the second and third trimesters. Postpartum subj
ects also had a significantly higher prevalence of hip pain (38% vs 23
%; OR = 3.2; 95% CI, 1.4 to 7.0) and foot pain (31% vs 22%; OR = 2.2;
CI, 1.1 to 4.5). History of previous pain complaints also vi ere found
to be risk factors for lower extremity pain during pregnancy for case
subjects and in the past year for controls. There was a trend toward
older age as a risk factor as well. Multiple pain complaints were more
common among case subjects than among controls. Conclusions. Lower ex
tremity pain is common in women of childbearing age. Pregnant and post
partum women are more likely to develop new lower extremity symptoms t
han are nulliparous women. The timing of symptom onset in mid- to late
pregnancy may suggest that biomechanical factors play a larger role t
han hormonal influences. Regular exercise appears to be neither protec
tive against nor a risk factor for lower extremity pain during pregnan