Two shear-wave profiles, E and G, collected during the 1977 Reykjanes
Ridge Iceland Seismic Experiment have played an important role in mode
ls of the Icelandic crust. They were originally interpreted as indicat
ing very low shear-wave velocities and abnormally low shear-wave quali
ty factors in the 10-15 km depth range. These attributes, which are in
dicative of near-solidus temperatures, were used to support the hypoth
esis that the crust of Iceland is relatively thin (10-15 km) and under
lain by partially molten material. More recent seismic data, however,
contradict this hypothesis and suggest that the crust is thicker (20-3
0 km) and cooler. A re-examination of the RRISP-77 data indicates that
the low shear-wave velocities are artefacts arising from source stati
c anomalies (in the case of profile G) and misidentification of a seco
ndary shear phase, SmS, as S (in the case of profile E). Furthermore,
the attenuation occurs at ranges when rays from the shots pass near th
e Askja (profile E) and Katla and Oraefajokull (profile G) volcanoes.
It may therefore have a localized source, and not be diagnostic of Ice
landic crust as a whole. This new interpretation of the RRISP-77 shear
-wave data is consistent with models having a thick, cold crust.