Direct radiation-induced grafting of acrylonitrile (AN) onto both isot
actic polypropylene (IPP) and (tetrafluoroethylene-ethylene) copolymer
(ET) films has been studied. The effect of grafting conditions such a
s inhibitor and monomer concentrations and irradiation dose on the gra
fting yield was investigated. Homopolymerization of acrylonitrile was
reduced to a minimum using ferric chloride (FeCl3), and the suitable o
ptimum concentration of the inhibitor was found to be 0.1 wt%. The hig
her the monomer concentration, the higher the degree of grafting obtai
ned. It was observed that the degree of grafting onto IPP was higher t
han onto ET, at given grafting conditions. The effect of aging on IPP
was also examined. IR spectroscopy showed that IPP was susceptible to
photooxidation by aging. The swelling behaviour and electrical conduct
ivity of the graft and hydrolysed graft films were investigated. The e
lectrical conductivity was improved by hydrolysis of polyacrylonitrile
in the graft chains.