The output factor for the dynamic wedge, unlike that for the physical
wedge, is a complex function of the field dimension along the moving j
aw and wedge angle. The large change in output (varying as much as 40%
for 45 degrees and 60 degrees wedge angles) can be attributed clearly
to the segmented treatment tables (STTs), which specify cumulative mo
nitor unit weighting as a function of jaw position, y. We found that t
he output factor (in air or water) on the central axis for the dynamic
wedge can be characterized by multiplying the output factor (in air o
r water) for an open field by a normalization factor, which is determi
ned from the STTs, thus indicating that collimator scatter is similar
for both the dynamic wedge field and the open field. The introduction
of the normalization factor decreases the commissioning: time for dyna
mic wedges significantly and is useful for quality assurance. (C) 1996
American Association of Physicists in Medicine.