Objective. To determine both the extent to which adult rheumatologists
treat children and their level of comfort in doing so. Methods. A que
stionnaire was sent to all 77 physicians in the state of Washington wh
o were listed as adult rheumatologists in the American College of Rheu
matology (ACR) directory. Results. Sixty-six questionnaires (86%) were
returned; 50 were identified as being from private-practicing adult r
heumatologists and were the focus of this study. Sixty-two percent of
the respondents reported that they care for children; predictors inclu
ded increased exposure to pediatric rheumatology during fellowship (P
= 0.003), increased distance from Seattle (P = 0.001), and listing one
self in the ACR directory as treating children (P = 0.03), Most respon
dents reported feeling discomfort in treating children younger than 6
years of age, treating Kawasaki disease, and treating polyarteritis no
dosa, but most reported feeling comfortable treating children with chr
onic arthritides. Impediments to referring to a pediatric rheumatologi
st included distance (median distance 35 miles), convenience for the f
amily, personal preference, and experience in caring for children, Twe
nty-nine percent reported difficulties referring to a pediatric rheuma
tologist outside of one's managed care plan, Adult rheumatologists exp
ressed interest in continuing medical education dealing with pediatric
rheumatology, preferably with a lecture format in their home communit
ies. Conclusion. A significant number of adult rheumatologists care fo
r children, Pediatric rheumatologists should provide both educational
and consultative support for these adult rheumatologist colleagues.