The channelized receiver being presented demonstrates the use of high
temperature superconductor technology in a microwave system setting wh
ere superconductor, microwave-monolithic-intergraed-circuit, and hybri
d-integrated-circuit components are united in one package and cooled t
o liquid-nitrogen temperatures, The receiver consists of a superconduc
ting X-band four-channel demultiplexer with 100-MHz-wide channels, fou
r commercial monolithically integrated mixers, and four custom-designe
d hybrid-circuit. detectors containing heterostructure ramp diodes, Th
e composite receiver unit has been integrated into the payload of the
second-phase NRL high temperature superconductor space experiment (HTS
SE-II). Prior to payload assembly, the response characteristics of the
receiver were measured as functions of frequency, temperature, and dr
ive levels. The article describes the circuitry, discusses the kev iss
ues related to design and implementation, and summarizes the experimen
tal result.