The U.S. Army Engineer (USAE) Waterways Experiment Station is leading
a multi-agency program which is developing an integrated, comprehensiv
e groundwater modeling system in support of installation cleanup. Majo
r aspects of this program include: evaluation of existing modeling tec
hnology, investigation of fate and transport mechanisms for military-u
nique compounds (e.g., explosives), investigation of the impacts of su
bsurface heterogeneities on remedial effectiveness, design of concise
user environments for disparate users and models, and implementation o
f the models on differing computing platforms. An initial version of t
he groundwater modeling system has been developed for both UNIX workst
ations and personal computers running Windows 3.1. These products repr
esent an initial step in the process and computational developments re
quired to meet the military's and the nation's needs for characterizat
ion and remediation-oriented modeling. Continued development plans cal
l for a focused combination of research in natural and remedial proces
ses, heterogeneity-induced effects on fate, transport, remediation and
computational sciences.