Dietary habits in the wild and gastrointestinal anatomy and function h
ave established that the ostrich is an herbivore. Ostriches are not tu
rkeys, but turkeys may be the best avian model we have from which to p
redict the ostrich's nutrient needs. To minimize leg abnormalities in
ostrich chicks, it may be helpful to restrict weight gain by limiting
dietary protein concentrations below those recommended for starting tu
rkeys and by using higher fiber diets. Non-slip surfaces and exercise
also are very important. Egg production by ostriches laying a normal a
nnual clutch does not significantly increase the dietary calcium requi
rement, When egg production is forced by continually removing eggs, ca
lcium requirements should be met by dietary concentrations of 16 g kg(
-1). Alternatively, ad libitum access to granulated calcium carbonate
or oyster shell could be provided. Until the nutrient requirements of
ostriches are better understood, toes and ostrich farmers with small f
locks may find a single life-cycle diet is a rational means to meet nu
trient needs and keep feed fresh.