This year represents the 20th anniversary of our first demonstration t
hat human breast cancers contain progesterone receptors (PR), and are
markers of hormone dependence. These receptors are now routinely measu
red in tumours not only as markers of hormone dependence, but of disea
se prognosis. Theoretically, their central function in breast cancers
is not as markers, but as effecters of the proliferative signals of en
dogenous progesterone in premenopausal women, and as targets for proge
stins and antiprogestins. At present, PR are rarely measured for these
functional purposes. The actions of PR are complex, and responsivenes
s to progestin agonists or antagonists will depend on the gene whose a
ctivity is being measured, the peculiarities of the cell and tissue un
der study, and most importantly, the PR isoform that predominates in a
tissue or tumour. The differential expression of PR isoforms, serves,
we believe, to fine-tune responsiveness to this important reproductiv
e hormone. Knowledge, not just of the PR content of a tissue, but of t
he expression of B- vs A-receptors in that tissue, will be vital to un
derstanding the effects of progestins therein. Recent studies with PR
have forced us to revise the standard model of steroid receptor action
. The conventional model, which depicts receptors as ligand-activated
proteins that bind to specific DNA sequences at 'consensus' hormone re
sponse elements and activate transcription, is not incorrect. It is, h
owever, oversimplified, as studies with PR demonstrate. These demands
include requirements for both positive and negative transcriptional re
gulation; for tissue specificity of action; and for regulation of comp
osite and simple gene promoters. Multiple functional domains control i
ntramolecular contacts, intermolecular protein-protein interactions, a
nd DNA binding. As steroid antagonists are synthetic rather than natur
al hormones, their binding produces structural alterations in the rece
ptors that unveil additional novel interactive capabilities. While ant
iprogestins competitively inhibit agonists by forming non-productive r
eceptor-DNA complexes, this is not their sole mechanism of action. Ant
iprogestin effects may also be mediated by receptor interactions with
coactivators whose function is in turn controlled by non-steroidal sig
nals. When two different signalling pathways are activated simultaneou
sly they can cooperate to produce unintended effects. Additionally, it
seems clear that antagonist-occupied receptors can act without bindin
g to canonical PREs, or without binding to DNA at all, relying perhaps
on tethering proteins. This may be a consequence of the unusual allos
teric structure imparted on the receptors by synthetic ligands. For so
me of these unusual actions, the receptors may even be monomeric rathe
r than dimeric. Investigators should not assume when studying antiprog
estins that a specific mechanism is operating. These novel actions beg
in to explain two properties of steroid antagonists that have puzzled
investigators. One is the common observation that antagonists are agon
ists in some normal tissues. The other, an extension of the first, is
that in malignant cells, antagonists can acquire agonist-like properti
es as tumours progress, leading to treatment failure. Although such tu
mours are called 'resistant', they may in fact be responding quite wel
l to the antagonist ! With respect to receptor protein structure, we a
re only beginning to appreciate its complexity. For example, it appear
ed initially that the structural independence of functional domains pe
rmitted analysis of receptor fragments by fusing , them to heterologou
s proteins. However, we now know that important functional domains can
overlap; that other functional domains may be discontinuous; and that
one domain can modulate the activity of another. This means that anal
ysis of receptor fragments in chimeras is an incomplete test of domain
function, and that we need innovative experimental strategies to unde
rstand this intramolecular cross-talk.