The Kondo compound CePtGa has been studied by a wide range of techniqu
es. Neutron diffraction data show that CePtGa has the orthorhombic TiN
iSi-type structure. Inelastic neutron scattering spectra display two w
ell-defined crystal held transitions near 18 and 35.6 meV. Magnetic su
sceptibility measurements show antiferromagnetic ordering at 2.9 K. Th
e temperature dependence of the resistivity can be understood on the b
asis of Kondo and crystal field effects. The negative magnetoresistanc
e between 1.7 and 60 K agrees well with the scaling form of the J = 1/
2 model of Schlottmann. The crystal field parameters have been estimat
ed, and have been used for the analysis of the transport properties.